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4 min read

5 simple ways to optimise your online donation form

As you know, online donations have become increasingly popular in recent years, and have become an essential element in the survival of a not-for-profit organisation. So whatever the size of your charity, it's vital to think about how to optimise your donation form if you want to succeed in raising funds online.
Why is this important? Because the digital donation form acts as a key entry point for individuals who are inclined to support your cause. They may have typed the name of your association into their search bar, or they may have been redirected to your website following one of your appeals for donations.
In both cases, your donation page is not simply a way for your supporters to contribute to your cause. It must be part of an overall strategy designed to maximise conversion.

In this article, we'll explore 5 simple strategies to improve your donation form and maximise your fundraising results.

1.  Tailor your forms to your campaigns

Your donation form isn't just about collecting money! It's an integral part of your campaign and an opportunity to tell a story. That's why it's important that your donation form is consistent with the other elements of your campaign. So use the same language, the same message and the same graphics, so that the user understands that the page they are on is a key component of your fundraising campaign.
You can also write inspiring descriptions or donation equivalents for each donation amount proposed on your donation grid. For example, rather than simply asking for an amount, tell donors how their contribution will make a concrete impact. You could say, "With €20, you can provide meals for 5 hungry families for a week". It's important to show donors how their donation is used.
Don't hesitate to add to these equivalents some photos which will evoke even more emotion.

online donation platform

2. Simplify the payment experience and offer a variety of payment methods

When a potential donor visits your website and decides to contribute to your cause, it's essential to offer them a smooth donation experience. Your donation form must be intuitive and you must ensure that the payment process is quick and simple. It should be possible to make a donation in just a few clicks, and the user should be able to see all the steps in the payment process clearly.

Avoid long, complex forms that could discourage donors. Simplify donation forms by minimising the requested fields to ensure a quick and effortless donation process for your supporters. With the right online donation platform you can always ask for any extra data you would like once the donation is complete, on the Thank You page. 

online donation form

Also important to keep in mind is that a simplified donation grid = an easier choice! For example, opt for a donation grid offering 3 amounts rather than 4, to make it easier for donors to choose.

What's more, donors have different payment preferences. To maximise your donations, offer a wide range of payment methods, such as credit cards, mobile payment methods, PayPal, Apple Pay or Google Pay, to name a few. Make sure that each stage of the payment process is clearly indicated and transparent for donors. A powerful fundraising platform should allow you to provide payment methods that meet your donor's different preferences.

3. Use fundraising widgets

As we know, human beings often function by mimicking social behaviour. For this reason, we tend to refer to our peers when making our own decisions. Following this logic, certain widgets such as the "most popular donation amount" allow you to give your supporters an amount that acts as a benchmark for their own generosity.
charity events

What's more, highlighting the generosity of donors is a powerful driver for fundraising. By inserting the "last donation made" widget, you can thank a specific donor and display the amount of their donation. This widget shows donors that others are already supporting your cause, which can encourage them to contribute more.


4. Adapt your donation form for mobile devices

With the increasing use of mobile devices, it's imperative that your donation form is optimised for a user-friendly experience on all types of devices. Donors should be able to make a donation from a desktop computer, smartphone or tablet without encountering any problems. So make sure your online donation page is responsive and easy to complete on all platforms.
To find out more, read our article: 4 practices for optimising your mobile fundraising strategy.

online fundraising campaign

5. Use A/B testing

The ultimate step in optimising your donation forms is to use A/B testing! A/B testing allows you to create several versions of your donation form and test them simultaneously, with different donor segments. You can carry out your tests by changing various elements, such as the layout of fields, messages or the presence of donation equivalents. 
Then, by analysing the results, you can determine which version of your form generated the most conversions and donations! A/B testing allows you to optimise your donation forms on an ongoing basis, based on an analysis of your visitors' data. 

online charity fundraising

As you can see, optimising your donation form is essential for the success of your charity's fundraising campaigns! So try these best practices and, above all, don't hesitate to test and experiment on your different audiences.

Learn how to optimise your conversion rate through payment, download our free e-book!