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Online fundraising: a look back at 2023

Online fundraising: a look back at 2023

The year 2023 saw significant developments in online fundraising, and for iRaiser's valued customers. In 2023, we saw an evolution in online fundraising on our digital platforms, reaching a total of 534 million euros raised!


Peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns have also grown in popularity. Offering supporters the opportunity to collect donations from friends and family on behalf of their favourite cause. Finally, technological innovation has played a central role, with the launch of new features on our solutions to better meet the changing needs of charities. Let's look back together at the key achievements of 2023!

1. Online Giving: a year of unprecedented generosity!

2. Innovation in online fundraising

3. A growing community of not-for-profit organisations!

4. Expansion and new offices in Europe

Online Giving: a year of unprecedented generosity!

Our customers in 24 countries were at the heart of last year's success. Together, we recorded almost 4.3 million incoming donations on our online donation platforms, from almost every corner of the globe.

  • On our online donation forms: we recorded 3.4 million unique donations (excluding regular and peer-to-peer donations). This represents an unprecedented surge in generosity!part-3-en
  • Peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns reinforced many charities' fundraising strategies. Your fundraisers, those dedicated supporters who help you raise donations with their own campaign pages, have played a crucial role in this success! They launched 305,425 fundraising pages, mobilising their networks to donate to causes close to their hearts!part-5.1-en
  • New projects financed by crowdfunding campaigns. 9,570 projects were financed through crowdfunding for nonprofit organizations in 2023. Amounting to a total of €1,625,638 in donations! part-5.2-en

Immerse yourself in our benchmark analysis of 2023 vs. 2022 to discover all the key figures relating to fundraising by not-for-profit organisations. You'll find the main trends and developments in the not-for-profit sector in the UK and Europe, as well as the amounts raised by our clients. Discover which countries have seen an increase in online fundraising, the average donation amounts by sector, and much more!


Innovation in online fundraising

In addition to these fundraising results, 2023 was also marked by technological advances and innovations!

New features were introduced to enhance the user experience on our solutions, boosting the performance of our online donation platforms.

We launched of a new product dedicated for charities and their communities! The Community Fundraising Platform, opened up new possibilities for our clients. Having the power of peer-to-peer campaigns, event fundraising, and crowdfunding in a single tool allows charities to maximise their impact and reach their fundraising goals!



A growing community of not-for-profit organisations!

Our community has grown and strengthened over the past year. More than 850 charities now trust us to set up their fundraising campaigns! We have also had the pleasure of welcoming a record number of participants to our events and webinars. This has created unique learning and sharing opportunities for many experts in the charity sector!



Expansion and new offices in Europe

In 2023, iRaiser continued its expansion with the opening of a new office in Köln, Germany.

Germany joins our 6 offices in France, the UK, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands, strengthening our international presence.


2023 was a year of remarkable achievements in online fundraising. We have seen inspiring campaigns launched by dedicated charities. Our customers have spread the word, and mobilised to raise funds for vital causes around the world. These successes reflect the commitment of a community of fundraisers, of which we are extremely proud!

Are you in the not-for-profit sector and thinking of launching your own online fundraising campaigns? If you're looking for inspiration, check out our seasonal fundraising calendar! Whether you're just starting out in online fundraising, or you're a fundraising expert, this calendar is packed with ideas and strategies to help you maximise the impact fundraising efforts!